To Grow & Scale Your Business, Find what is Broken
To Grow & Scale Your Business, Find what is Broken
Get your Business Growth out of its Rut
New customer and lead acquisition techniques are always changing. Are you stuck on one particular strategy for acquiring traffic to your blog, internet based, or offline business? Well, since online sales are directly proportional, often, to the overall growth of your company, you really must know your numbers. Only then, will you fully understand what may be right or wrong about your business so you can properly scale.
I will cover some points to help you supercharge of your business. Strongly consider these bullet points to help you get rid of counterproductive practices and adopt some new productive practices to inject a strong stimulus into your marketing approach. Don’t forget the 80/20 rule (In reality, it’s more like 95/5). If you’re stuck, contact me and let’s talk about your strategy. Often, you don’t need to re-invent your whole marketing strategy. Sometimes it’s just one or two minor changes and you’ll be off the floor running.
You Have to Define your Audience and Avatar
If you don’t have a strong footprint and presence, you will not be able to create substantial internet traffic. One of the best ways to accomplish this is by guest blogging on authority sites. This type of authorship paints you as the go to expert and will surely get some eyes on your blog. Yes, the idea of guest blogging is to ethically borrow or steal some of your target authority site’s readers; they know that. Preferably, target a site which has readers who are buyers in your niche.
You Must Remember to be You and be Human!
Yes, you may have a lot of knowledge, but present that persona with your humility and humanity intact. People still have to be able to relate to you. If you can strike the perfect balance of being personal versus knowledge sharing, you will be unstoppable.
Don’t Fall into the Viral Social Media Marketing Trap
The allure of “free” advertising can be quite the temptation. Don’t get hooked. Yes, there is a place for free advertising on social media. And yes, it can bring in some business; but just because it went viral once, doesn’t mean it will again or that it is in any way, shape, or form, scalable. Remember this: the only advertising that has unlimited scalability is paid traffic.
You be You and I’ll be Me (originality is key)
Model yourself after the best. Align yourself with proven success stories. But don’t be an exact duplicate because people can always sniff out an imposter. You may waste valuable time duplicating an image which is not really even the real secret sauce. So be original but provide value. Do these things, and your business will be overflowing with leads that convert.
Don’t Get Stagnant (Keep your Marketing Strategies Current)
Are your methods and advert practices outdated? Advertising is a very dynamic process. What worked last year may not work today. Hell, what even worked last week may not still work today. Spy on your competitors. Spy on your idols. Pay attention to what strategies they are using and then incorporate and test those same strategies into your own marketing philosophy.
Stand Out from your Competition
Marketing is a battle. But it is a battle resembling more of a marathon versus a sprint. While there are many competitors, you must make a name and a place for yourself. The market will make room for you but you have to insist on it. Be cognizant that what you are doing which truly makes you stand out against the competition. Make sure what you are doing is attracting your target audience and not random interests who don’t convert.
Don’t be a Sucker
Now that you are focused on finding the right strategy, you must not get lost in the enormous sea of shiny objects. Test your new strategies and optimize. Keep the ones that work and throw out the ones that don’t (or are not scalable).
You Fixed your Traffic. Did you Fix your Offer?
People get addicted to, both, their offers and their struggles. They sink countless time and money into them. They just get overly attached (it’s human nature). They think it’s always about the traffic. Well guess what? Sometimes it’s really just about the offer. Sometimes your offer just doesn’t convert. And sometimes it just doesn’t convert enough. Sometimes it just doesn’t convert big enough. What does that mean? Well, i.e., my core offer pay’s some great commissions.
Final Thoughts
Pay attention to your failures. Learn from your failures but don’t dwell on them. Take your failures and either trash them, or modify them into successes. Know what your path is and where you want to take your organization. Never get comfortable and always focus on the next goal and the next level. Keep these things in mind and you cannot fail.
To your success,
Compliance disclosure: “As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.”
(I'm also very humbled and grateful to my website visitors & Amazon for these earnings!)
Disclaimer: Segments Below in Preliminary Stages
I recently redesigned my site. The following segments, below, are in the very early developmental stages. Most Link away from my site at this time; but in the near future, I will redirect the links back to my site for an expanded post & resources on each topic.
Free Blog Installation
Now you have no more excuses. I will install
your WordPress for free (the catch explained)
Recent Blog Posts
See Our Latest Content!
(Fresh Off the Press)
Learn to Day Trade
98% Lose Money. Be in the Profitable 2%.
Free Day Trading Course (Review Dork)
Traditional Education
I will tell you the fastest way to get to $200,000 per year with just a Master's Degree
Dream of launching a million dollar seller? Choose your Weapon (Amazon or Shopify)!
Learn Options 1
You thought you couldn't afford Amazon Stock? Think again!
Coming Soon: Lotto Pools
I'll discus the bi-weekly CA lottery work pool I've been running (without WP) since July 2018.
Learn Affiliate Marketing
Free Program and Course. This is not Network marketing or MLM! Very Legit!
Coming Soon: Integrity
Coming Soon: I will talk about my rise and fall through a top tier membership program.
Making an Impact Across the Globe
Every time somone turns on their computer and clicks a link in a search result, some person is making a profit. That person is known as the middle-man. As long as that middle-man or middle-woman is ethical, they have the best of both worlds. Because the middle man neither has to produce the product or deliver the product; they simply connect products to buyers and earn a worry free commission. The beautiful part of this is you can be that go-between individual from anywhere in the world where you have a computer and internet connection.
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